Monday, May 23, 2016

Letter to My NRC Kids

Dear class,

Well it would appear that our time together has come to a close. Wow, time does go by so fast! I remember the first day that I walked up the stairs to the second floor, and was directed to the classroom in the corner. I didn’t know what to expect or if I was even going to make it past the first day, but here I am writing to you a few days before our last together.

I remember seeing all of you trickling into the classroom, all with expectant faces and excitement as the school year began. Okay, well not all, some of you still carry that “half asleep” face, but that’s beside the point. Despite what you guys have been through, you have finally made it to the eighth grade! Looking back, have you ever thought that you would make it this far?

Honestly, I never thought that I would get here. You know, there are a lot of people out there that believe the lie that they aren’t good enough to succeed at certain things in their lives. That their dreams are just too big for them to grow into or too far away for them to reach.

That used to be me.

I used to let my fears take hold of me rather than my dreams.

Yeah, that used to be me, but that won’t be any of you.

Don’t be led by fear.

Don’t be fearful to try new things, and don’t be afraid to mess up. When a baby begins to walk, do they walk perfectly the first time around? 


They fall, they crawl, they stumble, they cry and they get back up and try again. Does it hurt?


Could that hurt prevent them from wanting to try again?

Of Course.

But the things most worth having in this world come at a cost. Don’t let your dreams, and your aspirations stay in the back of your mind collecting dust because you don’t think you can pay the cost. You can, you will, and every time someone tells you that you can’t you will fight for it anyway. The cost isn’t financially related, but rather it is effort and purpose driven.

You have all been made with a purpose. It doesn’t matter what will or has happened to you. You are not defined by your past or by your failures or by what anyone says to you, but by the effort, desire, passion and fire you have in you. If you don’t have fire, surround yourselves around people that do. If someone around you lacks fire, you share that fire, and if someone around you lacks encouragement, you share that encouragement. Speak life. Be the standard. Be the example, and be the smile, the “thank you” and the “I love you” that someone needs. Speak life into the lives of others. Be someone who gives the best of what they have and never settle.

Don’t settle in any aspect of life. Whether it be in school or in a career and definitely not in any relationship. Don’t any of you lower your standards because others fail to meet them. The right people, the ones worth investing in, are out there. Wait for them, because they are waiting for you too. Be respectful of every one you meet.

Be respectful of your family and friends. To your leaders and authorities in your life. If you’re able acknowledge and appreciate and respect your leaders, you are setting yourself to become one.

I’ve had a great number of leaders pour out into my life, and though I’m thankful for each and every one of them, I’m so very thankful for the fifty students in American, Brown, Indiana and more that poured out into mine.

This may be the sweetest of all of my accomplishments, because not only did I get to accomplish one of my dreams, but I was able to do it because each and every one of you. Thank you for allowing me to pour out into your lives as you’ve poured into mine, and thank you for being part of my dream as I helped you all toward yours.

Many thanks,

-                               -   Mr. De La Hoz

Oh, and don’t drive Mr. Ocasio too crazy, remember, you’re all part of helping him accomplish his dreams too!

Coors Field Tours

March 28th and April 9th, 2016